

  • I'm so glad that the 30DS was able to show you results. I am on day 3 of the shred and it is still quite hard for me but I am keeping up with it. I have been steady on weight loss with my diet so this shred isn't aimed at excelling my weight loss, but helping my body with endurance and toning up. I agree that if I have to…
  • Let me start off by saying that I do NOT jog or have any real life experience on this but I did read something on the C25K website the other day and this post made me think of that. C25K asked the reader if their jogging goals were distance or time. Maybe giving yourself a goal like X amount of miles in X amount of time…
  • I am following this as I just asked the same question :o) Great job on your weight loss so far.
  • Yes, yes, yes ^^^^. While I love fruit and veggies and found that easy to incorporate into my meals. I am 100% a planner and found it super easy for me to see what I was going to be eating for the day ahead of time.
  • I saw this on Pinterest the other day! Looks great, can't wait to try it!
  • I am on a 1,200 calorie a day and find it extremely doable. My biggest issue was boredom snacking and drinking my calories away. Once I eliminated soda and switched pretzels for celery/grapes/etc. etc. I saw a difference. I also found that when I ate lower calorie snacks like celery I was eating just as much as I was…