

  • Aussie here too :) Fun facts: I stay in QLD for Uni study, but i'm from NSW.. I would love to move to Melbourne though. Needless to say, add me if you wish :)
  • Belly dance was life changing for me. I love it. This is my third year and I've just started a new style, as I moved towns to study, but continue to dance with my old group. I started with Dark Fusion belly dance (so, if you're curious, youtube Ariellah or Sashi Ascend Tribal Dance) and now i do ATS (Youtube, Rachel Brice…
  • I squealed a little when i found this thread. Honestly, belly dancing is everything to me. I love it so much and it's gotten me through so much. This is my third year and I've just started a new style, as I moved towns to study, but continue to dance with my old group. I started with Dark Fusion belly dance (so, if you're…
  • This is great! I'm only 18 but I do a few of these. Singing, dancing, acting... I sing as often as I can, it's the only thing my lack of self confidence hasn't effected. I moved towns for University (where I study theatre) and I moved to a new class of dancers, and I lost my confidence to perform. However, I still practice…
  • I'm studying creative arts in Theatre at University. I don't particulary wish to disclose the university, as not many have theatre as a subject, so if you wish to know message me privately :) xx
  • Hi guys :) My name is Bree, i'm 18 and in Australia. I love music, i sing and play guitar and I'm also a theatre (drama) student at University and I do belly dance too. I'm looking to lose around 10kgs and tone up :) Lovely to meet you all, add me and good luck x
  • Age: 18 Height: (Honestly, it's been years since i have measured my height but i can guess well) 165cm? Start Weight: 64 Goal Weight:55 would be great but I will settle for 57 xx
  • In some cases, I think it can be, I think. I've been told I have an eating disorder in the way I count mine. I'm not overweight, according to BMI, my weight is healthy but i'm not happy, so I want to lose some of it and tone up.. (I'm 18, by the way) However, I do count my calories. I won't go over 1,200 and If I do, or I…
  • Im from NSW but im currently studying University in QLD :)