

  • Welcome!!! Ontario here too :) (ottawa)
  • KarmasBFF - that atricle is great! For me its not so much my PMS but my the actual week that I feel the desire to eat everything in sight! I have been briniging bottles of water with the Crystal Light flavoring in it (already prepared) and when i get a craving, i down a bottle. Not as satisfying as say a bowl of rippled…
  • Just so you dont think you are alone... I couldnt walk right for almost 5 days. It did a number on me so much that I actually missed a day of work cause I couldnt move my legs. I started out doing it with 5lbs and decided (once healed) that maybe I should go down to a lower weight (I think those squats with holding 10lbs…
  • Good luck with it.. and keep yourself motivated!
  • Ok, I gotta know... what is Zumba? I usually work out after dinner in the late evening (the weeks I have my lil one it usually around 830) so its a good hour or 2 after eating dinner and I usually have something small after I am gone my workout as well.
  • Hi! I too am a mom (of a soon to be 6yr old lil girl) from Canada (Ottawa, ON area) and I also followed the WW points plan in order to lose weight years ago (unfortunately, since I had my daughter, the weight has come back). So... with a trip to Cuba planned for the end of March (believe it or not it is for my ex-husbands…