mgottlieb50 Member


  • I've been dealing with back pain for a long time in my life. The problem is you can't have good form most of the time doing kettle bell swings, you have to avoid bad form pretty much always. Working with lower weight KBs certainly makes sense in terms of minimizing back pull and spasm risk, but form and keeping the back…
  • Eggs are easy to substitute. A bit of tofu scramble replaces an omlet. Cheese is less easy - vegan cheeses - if they have any taste are equiv to real cheese in fat, but lack protein - vegan junk food! Going whole plant-based diet is good at so many levels, but no guarantee you'll lose weight.
  • Keep cellery, cucumbers, carrots (if you can deal with their inherent sweetness) - around. An apple a day :happy: drink water.
  • Hi Nathan, You sound like you are doing great. My guess is I'm a bit older, 62 3/4 yrs, but have been battling excess wt all my life. Now mid 280s #s, down from recent 320 high. Frustratingly plateau'd - I need to get back to watching and tracking again - dieting :-(. I went Vegan a couple years back. Allowed me to get off…
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