

  • I don't know your family dynamic - did you grow up in the south where every event included food and other people tried to guilt you into eating? I've been there, done that. My own mother, who has worried about my weight from the day I was born, will still make me a homemade chocolate cake every year for my birthday. She…
  • Does your gym have people on staff who will work out a good routine for you? If so, try that if you haven't already. Don't feel badly about not being able to keep up in a class that is new to you. Maybe classes aren't your thing. They're definitely not mine. Find an activity or two that you enjoy and stick to it (those)…
  • It sounds like you've received some great advice here. I have only one thing to add: any physician who refuses to give you a copy of YOUR OWN test results needs to be your former physician.
  • I weigh once a week at the same time (Sunday mornings for me) wearing very little clothing. Have lost 40+ pounds before I joined MFP; working on another 40. I think weighing this way gives a pretty accurate picture of the trend, but do what works best for you.