SW 253 Cw: 246 Last week's bloat went down but I also ate crappy this weekend. We had to put my dog down on Friday and I just haven't felt like cooking. She always sat at my feet in the kitchen. :/
SW: 253 CW: 249 Ate some things I shouldn't have yesterday, effected my IBS and left me so bloated today I've gained 3lb. Should be gone in a day or two. I know it's not my true weight but, it's what the scale says today so I report it :)
CW: 246 Total: -6lb
SW: 253 Last week: 252 CW: 248 -4lb Total: 5lb 15 to go!
Don't worry about what it says now! We're going forward :) Step on that scale with a, "b*tch, I'll never see you again" attitude!
Hahaha obviously that was supposed to be 252. Wishful thinking!
Oh, you said the ingredients contained wheat.
For myself, wheat seems to be a problem. Regular white pasta and white bread seem to be ok in small amounts (although you still have to eliminate these things during the fodmap diet). I've noticed the normal healthy eating tips/recipes people give (eat wheat/whole grain bread/pasta, avocados, vegetables, fruits etc) it's…
I have ibs-d. I just started the fodmap diet today. I'm not going to lie, it's hard... but only bc you have to learn to really look at ingredients in things and adapt to a different way of cooking/eating. And we have to do that to live a healthy lifestyle any way, right? This is for long term health and feeling good.…
SW: 253 CW: 152 -1lb Didn't expect even that!
I hope it's not too late! I'd love to join in. Currently 253 (buh). Feel free to add me!
Oh I totally believe stress to be a trigger. I've been working to get yoga back into my life. Just need to find a class my (4yr old) daughter can participate in, too. She's been bugging me since she had a few classes at school early this year. It would he good for her, too (I believe I've passed on my anxiety to…
Isn't it crazy how much your body can change after pregnancy?? I never had problems like this before. My family actually didn't believe me that I had problems with dairy (before I realize it was much more than just a lactose intolerance). They believed it was some silly attempt at weightloss like everyone going gluten free…
Advise from someone who's hated running forever and has asthma..I've learned to love it. It's still hard... but I enjoy it. It's freedom to me. What I did: I started just running around my block. I wasn't far from home if I had an attack or got too tired. Each time, take less walk breaks and go a little further. If youre…
Just continue on the schedule. You do what you can, you'll get better and the videos will become easier! That's why you do the tests, to realize how much stronger your body is getting :)
Thank you all for your input! Dairy, in some forms, is a problem (icecream, cows milk, soft cheese) I have noticed wheat is a problem for me. I can eat white bread with no problem as long as I don't have too much. I cannot eat corn, that's immediate pain for me after the first bite. Chocolate... oh, my dear chocolate...…
Name: Meaghan Age: 27 Height: 5' 8'' Start weight (1st Feb): 237 Goal weight (1st March): 227 Weigh ins: 30th Jan: 237 1st Feb: 8th Feb: 15th Feb: 22nd Feb: 1st March: Weight loss/gain this week: n/a Weight loss/gain so far this month: n/a Struggles/successes this week: definitely in need of accountability! With my…
THIS. Ran my first 5k today. I got my time and now that's what I have to beat. Challenge yourself against yourself only. Don't compare to others. You do YOUR best and then push further.