

  • I would suggest an all raw diet until you are more familiar with your restrictions. Fruits, vegetables, and nuts. It is easier to know the ingredients in a raw food meal. If that is a little extreme for you throw in some fish, or chicken, but try to avoid the heavier meats. Stay away from processed foods!!! When…
  • I've been lactose intolerant for years now and it definitely gets easier. These days most products will say Dairy Free or even let you know if it was processed in close proximity to dairy products. You can still enjoy basically everything you are use to enjoying, just with alternatives. For example, instead of having your…
  • You also may want to check if there is Iron in the pill. I get sick if I take a vitamin with Iron included. Your body can't handle an over abundance of Iron and it rejects it. I have also had the issue of my body rejecting vitamins in general. I've found that if I take it in the middle of eating and drink a glass of water…
  • I will definitely be listening to what my body wants throughout this time and back off if necessary, but I am actually backing down my workout schedule when starting P90X. I went from working out 3-4 times a day to 2-3 times a day. This week I'm only doing Ramp It Up though. We will see how I feel the first day I start…
  • Well... I'm starting a day late on P90X, but I am starting the Lean program today. I'm continuing Slim in 6 in the mornings, P90X in the evenings after work, and occasionally Yoga over my lunch break. I just couldn't bring myself to start last night after 2 hours of Yoga. I'm excited to start P90X! I'm looking forward to…
  • Cauliflower. It squeaks against my teeth when I eat it and makes me cringe.
  • I'm excited! I upped my workout this week. I'm working out twice as hard and a little longer every day. A week and a half before P90X!
  • Surprisingly I have been doing the EXACT same thing. I've been working my butt off with the Slim In 6 Series and my roommate has the P90X series. April 26th, I am there. P90X here I come. That will be just in time to finish the series. I will be moving at the end of June and will want to finish up before then when my…
  • Looking at your food intake I would suggest adding 30 minutes of aerobics, or something to get your heart rate up. The amounts you are eating seem fairly well balances throughout the days. Eating more would add too much and less would push you into starvation mode. If you are able to workout (even if it's for 15 minutes)…