Grrrrr! Ever since MFP was taken over by Under Armour I have had frequent problems with logging in- today being no exception. Most annoying. At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I am again complaining about the weather which has scarcely changed since my previous post- continued rain, rain, rain, and cool temps. I…
I can hardly believe where the time has gone since I last posted! MITM, I am very envious of your long stretch of glorious sunshine. We have had some nice sunny days but never more than three in a row, marked by returns of cool, often very windy weather and a lot of rain including this weekend- huge rains last night, rain…
Hello Crackers. MITM, I see you have logged in for an impressive 55 days in a row. And well done with gaining back control of your eating plan. I feel like something of a broken record here because i have just read my previous post, complaining about not feeling well and the weather and I am complaining about both again.…
Hello Crackers. I think I have succumbed a bit to the February blahs. To begin, I have some kind of cough/cold that seems to have gone on for almost two weeks now and has drained me of a lot of energy.The weather has continued nasty with another significant storm on Tuesday and Wednesday. There is a lot of treacherous ice,…
Hello Crackers. I wanted to come here today but this is a bit of a pop-in as I must get Nellie out again before dark. It is wretchedly cold here now and heavy snow is predicted for tonight and tomorrow. I feel rather housebound at the moment but have tried to keep busy with my writing on the computer. Thanks MITM for…
I am delighted! MITM, your message sent me directly here so thanks very much.And what a pleasure to find LMV to whom I am always grateful as it was you who first organized this little group. So if you have been absent, you have not been forgotten. I too send my condolences on the passing of your father and father-in-law-…
Hello Crackers. It seems to have taken me this long to get at least semi-organised after Christmas. We had a very green Christmas- no snow and above freezing. This suited me fine as it made the driving much easier and less worrisome. I had two drives- Christmas morning at my brother's farm with his family and two of my…
Just a quick pop-in to wish all Crackers a happy, healthy New Year. I am resolving to be a more regular member in the new year as my diet and fitness seemed much better when I was more regular here.
Hello Crackers. PB, I have just read of your formidable achievement with a stellar total number of pounds lost. I tried to leave a comment but it seem uncertain if it was going to log it so I'll add congrats here too. As soon as Christmas is over, I will refocus on my weight which had crept up again through the hot summer…
Hello Crackers. I too can hardly believe it has been so long since I have posted. It might not have been quite so long if I had not had a wretched time, at least three times in fact, trying to log in and being denied by the MFP gremlins! Today after some time I have finally got in but had to completely change my way of…
Continuing onI am quite housebound today and rather restricted in what I can do physically. So the upside is that I am catching up here. The restriction is because on Tuesday I had surgery on my cheek for a skin cancer (the curse of those who have had red hair- I always thought I was so good about using sunscreen and…
Hello Crackers. A very long absence for me due to a number of factors but here I am again. For some time I was not able to get on this site because the internet was not working. At first it would come and go intermittantly, sometimes good for one moment and gone the next. At first I thought the computer was affected by the…
(this is a continuation of previous- took me more than a few minutes away) I was away from the computer for longer than I thought but not because I went out riding. No, once again I couldn't ride because of rain. And now I have had a discouraging look at the weather forecast- starting Friday and extending right into the…
Already it is June as you said MITM- no yikes, it is almost July! I am once again prodded into at least thinking abut some painting jobs I need to do. Thankfully nothing as as major as yours. I am very glad I did the garage painting last year and this year have often reflected how much I prefer the colour (a dark charcoal…
Hello Crackers. Your post was such a pleasure to read, MITM, especially after having that roadblock that prevented me from getting in until I agreed to the annoying data terms (what is the point of having an 'agree' box when the only option given is agree or be deleted from the site? Since there has been so much in the…
Hello Crackers. It is quiet here so I expect everyone is busy and I hope with positive activities. I'm still quite busy with gardening though the most pressing and demanding jobs are done and I have all but finished my planting. I have tried to cut back somewhat on containers this year and have tried to restrict myself to…
Hello Crackers. It has been some time since I've posted obviously. Spring finally arrived and we have had some lovely days. Because everything has seemed to be later, I feel as if I am constantly behind. It has not been helped but some intermittent bad weather between the spring type days. Every year I begin with yard…
Hello Crackers. MITM, your spring flowers sound as if they will be a truly beautiful sight. I'm sure you put a lot of work into preparing them. And those chives- what a lot you have to care for. They seem to be a hardy plant. Despite our weather my single chive plant has sprung some green shoots. Well, after working very…
A very quick pop-in! Because of the nasty weather I am housebound and working on my income taxes- not the most enjoyable way to spend Saturday. Will do them over several sessions as I am slow but still can do them. When I started, I looked out the window and saw t droplets of ice forming on the tree outside my den. Now an…
Hello Crackers. A pop-in today. I am quite exhausted after a lot more outdoor activity the past two days than I have been having. The past two days have been warm and very pleasant. Yesterday I was able to take Nellie for a walk and then take her with me to the stable to see my horse- he was quite coated in mud from having…
Hello Crackers. A belated Happy Birthday greeting to you, MITM. Still no real spring here- lots of snow in the air the past couple of days, and today, though it has not stayed on the ground. I still have not been on my bike but remain hopeful that tomorrow or the next day will be the day. In the meantime I have done well…
I had to leave the last post to talk to Adam. He has determined that the post was a scam whereas I was thinking it was simply an error on the part of Pay PAL or the company sending the dress. I am so glad I did not touch any of the links on the site and it is now deleted. This was the second frustration of the day. I woke…
A quick pop-in while I wait for the time to call my friend who maintains my computer. (he is teaching so I have to wait until lunch hour). The reason- I was just checking my e-mails and was horrified to discover a notification from Pay PAL saying I would be billed $219 dollars for a Michael Kors maxi dress (size 2x plus no…
Once again, my post above was posted without my knowing it so this is a continuation.... The last thing I was going to say about my student is I see here twice a week at her parent's request. Her mother is assuming we will meet all summer too. It is good that they don't expect huge chance in just a couple of weeks. I have…
Hello Crackers. MITM, I would say you have done 'jolly well' during your time away- you had an excellent time, you had many enjoyable indulgences, your did a stellar number of steps and you stayed the same weight. And your have already made inroads into that 4 pounds. Yeah you! I have been dragging a bit, a least part of…
Hello Crackers. MITM, I have been seeing a lot of "Beast of the East" news here with pictures of dreadful accidents and people stranded for long periods on the highways. I hope you are coping better now as it is a few days since you posted but I note that -20 is something I can really sympathise with as we had many days…
Just a quick pop-in. I have been thinking of everyone I know in UK as it seems there is some terrible winter weather going on causing many accidents and disruptions. A milder spell is here at the moment but snow forecast again for later in the week. My writing group was to meet today but was cancelled at the last minute…
Hello Crackers. MITM, so true about where to find the easiest pound. Glad you enjoyed the story but hope you slept well especially since it is one of the pillars of your new book! Weird weather here again. After so much cold and snow, sudden rise in temperature and rain. nearly all the snow in the back yard has melted. The…
MITM, congrats on the hard work and the pound lost. Here the weather reporters were promising a milder weekend but I am not feeling it as so- the air has a sharp nip to it. However, Friday morning when I let Nellie out I heard a cardinal singing, the first bird for months it seems and a hint of spring to come. Yesterday…
Hello Crackers. I have just re-read your recent post, MITM, and it hits the mark. Good quote about chance and change and one easy to remember! It sounds as if you have had a number of challenges recently, any of which could easily lead to consolation eating. Here what is having the biggest effect on me at the moment is the…