

  • I really think it's about your personality and how you react to criticism. I was always told that I would be beautiful once I lost the weight when I was younger. I knew I was fat so it wasn’t a surprise that other people knew. I also saw my beauty and the weight as separate issues. In some ways it was detrimental because I…
  • My life slowed down with the step kids on summer vacation and me not being daily childcare for our grandson. Now I can actually go to bed at 10pm and be up by 5 for my morning workout. I also really want to get pregnant and want to be as healthy as possible before taking it on.
  • As a side note, the pharmacist told me that the bacteria in our gut produce folic acid as a waste product when digesting fats. If you have a low fat diet and aren’t feeding your bacteria, there is even less folic acid in your system. This came up because I tried Atkins and my hair stopped falling out. I went to him to fid…
  • I lost a bunch of hair and it ended up being a tyroid condition. I never would have known if my doctor hadn't checked it at my physical but I had already lost quite a bit by then. Once my hormones leveled out, it kept falling out, way slower but more than normal. I ended up talking to a pharmacists and he recommended a…
  • Not sure about the cortisol but I do think you have a bunch of muscle and it makes you weigh more. Pick up a scale that measures body fat percentage and set / work towards a goal in respect to it. As a size 4, you seem like the perfect size but I’m also addicted to the scale and can see where you’re coming from. I just…
  • For me it's just eating a rediculous portion size because the food tastes so good. A few nights ago I sat down and a small tub of mustard potato salad. It should have been 4 servings but it was so good that I ate it all at once. I don't feel guilty about it because I think it's a waste to eat food if your not going to…
  • Thanks! I only plan on decreasing my intake by 500 which still leaves me at 1600 per day, 2100 when I work out. It feels like plenty of food. I’m not really worried about gaining weight, I just want to make sure I don’t over indulge. This may sound crazy but I’ve always know how to diet and how to overeat when I’m…
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