All that in 28 days. That's incredible.
That's fantastic. Congratulations.
Wow congrats on all your success. Very inspirational.
Excellent work!! very inspiring and lots of great advice.
Lots of great ideas. Thanks so much guys :)
Congratulations, you must be so happy. Cute dress in your after pic too, you look beautiful.
What a fantastic post. Very inspirational and what a sense of humor you have. WTG and keep up the good work.
Must have made you feel incredible. Excellent work on your weight loss :)
What a inspirational story. Thanks for sharing.
I definatly believe my upbringing contributed to my current obesity. Suppers were always meat and potatoes with very little emphasis on vegetables. I do not recall a salad ever being served in my home. Lunch and dinner were always followed by dessert. No surprise I have a huge sweet tooth and am a complete carbohydrate…
That's fantastic, keep up the good work.
You look amazing. So inspiring, keep up the good work :)