

  • I am also a hypo and have struggled with weight loss until recently. I started counting macros, not calories. For the first time in my life, I'm not starving myself and have lost 80 lbs and counting. Granted, I still have to work harder and tighter on nutrition that your average person, but I feel like what I'm doing is…
  • Our starting point and end point are very similar. I've had plateaus for about 6 weeks in a row where I didn't lose lbs, but just keep pushing myself through it and then it was like one week BAM, a ton of lbs dropped off. I do wear a heart rate monitor for most every training session, regardless if it's cardio or strength.…
  • I struggle with this as well. My husband works over 80 hours a week most weeks, which leaves me doing 99% of the parenting work, along with my full-time work schedule. I've had to drop some activities that I don't have time for like reading and cutting down on the shows that I watch. Neither I consider huge sacrifices.…
  • I just did a half last weekend and am training for a full that is next month. I've noticed that I'm super hungry the whole day after a long run and I can easily undo my progress made during the week if I'm not careful. I usually do wheat bread with peanut butter before and then immediately after a run have a banana, some…
  • I've seen a lot of good reviews on these. I might check them out.
  • Thanks! I'm going to the foot dr next week and am wearing a boot now as a precautionary measure to aid in healing. I've been doing a lot of rowing and ski ergo machine. Only runners understand that it is torture to stop sweating :)
  • I also have PCOS and hypothyroid. I've noticed that if my weight gets up over a certain point, my cycle become irregular. I try to eat high protein, low carb and consistently workout. That's helped me get them back into the regular zone again. I've done Metformin and also a couple different birth control pills. Metformin…
  • I just got a stress fracture in my navicular bone from training for my first marathon. What types of things did you do to recover?
  • Yes, the fracture is in my foot, so nothing weight bearing. Thanks for the ideas!