weetamoo Member


  • Hi, sorry to hear you're dealing with depression. I've been struggling with it on and off for 30 years. I just started the keto diet because I hear it can help a lot. (As well as help take off some extra pounds.) Taking care of 3 kiddos can be a difficult ride. Make sure you get some time to yourself every day. I always…
  • I'm currently aiming for 130. In my 20s I felt great at a very muscular 125, but at 60 yr my joints can't handle the kind of exercise i did then, and I already only eat a small fraction of what I used to. I'm at 144 lbs now, down from 150.
  • I am 5'3" with wide hips. I recently lost weight, and then had a family crisis and could barely eat for 3 weeks, and lost an extra 5 lbs. People said I was too skinny and thought I'd been sick.... and I still didn't have a thigh gap. I never actually heard of a thigh gap before today, but I also don't think they're what…
  • Have you tried roasting your vegies? Cut into 2 inch pieces, toss with a little olive oil, salt and pepper, spread out on tray or pan, and roast at 425 for about 15 or more minutes until a touch brown on edges. Adding a little chopped garlic is good too. Cauliflower , onions, carrots, squash, asparagus, parsnips, fennel…
  • I don't call it a cheat, but I love to eat out, so when I eat out, I look at the menu online ahead of time, choose foods that I love, but try to choose a selection that don't put me too far past my daily goal. My goal is 1600 cal, and I might eat 800 extra calories at a meal out, which seems pretty generous to me. I…