

  • Here is my favorite calorie counter for the activities not listed in the "cardio" section.
  • I brought this up with the dr who is doing my foot surgery. I am very healthy otherwise than the bunions that I just got fixed. :-) My doctor told me that numbness in the feet is totally normal for a lot of people when they workout. For me it happens a lot and is really frustrating. I try to keep a bit off of my toes and…
  • I am so sorry that you are sounding so discouraged! I think you are awesome for getting motivated to do this - since you are running after your son, do you put your work as the not-sedentary choice? Also, maybe you are gaining some muscle weight on those weeks where the scale tips up a little? I try to measure my progress…
  • Oh, that is incredibly insensitive of her! I don't know what to say to make you feel better, but here is something to think of: you are getting in shape and that is awesome to even start on that journey. Also, I think that is great that you have set a goal that is attainable. Maybe you'll find that 10 lbs lighter, you look…
  • I am having the same problem! I tried water, but my stomach was really growling! I was thinking that maybe I am not eating enough vegetables?? Or....I dunno. I have heard that about half of what you eat should be vegetables (mind you, I heard this from a vegetarian, but I think it makes sense). It certainly can't hurt to…