

  • I'd really recommend taking your measurements. In the past 18 months I've lost 3 dress sizes but only 7kg. I've gained a fair bit of muscle. I stopped relying on the scales because I found them rarely accurate - the scale at the gym was different to the scale at home which was different to the scale in the doctors. I could…
  • Thanks for the responses!! I read the article on the fractured tailbone... I don't THINK it's that as I haven't fallen and the pain only seems to be on the right side. Also the doctor FELT it (horrific) and she said it was muscle. I looked at the gluteus maximus page... I just don't know. It's definitely in that area. But…
  • So great to hear from so many other like-minded people! I was raised a pescetarian and eat a combination of vegetarian and vegan meals now. My fave winter breakfast is plain rolled oats, cooked in water with a banana thrown in. The banana caramelises and it tastes SO good. Pretty much the rest of the year I eat eggs for…
  • If you're logging your personal training sessions and eating the calories that mfp is telling you, you should be ok. If you're feeling hungry maybe you could try eating more food, that has less calories. E.g. I pretty much just snack on raw veges constantly - carrot, celery, red capsicum, cucumber. When I have a main meal…
  • Soda is the DEVIL. Even if you aren't trying to lose weight that amount of sugar in your body IS SO BAD. It gets your glycemic levels all over the shop and hello, diabetes! I heart water.