shadus Member


  • I just hope the motivation to correct things stays there, actually seeing blood sugar numbers seems to help a bit. The numbers are always there and reflect at least in some manner how your body is handling your diet and sugar and everything, its a metric I can go "That's pretty good" or "I need to do better" about. Feels a…
  • I made the keto sushi tonight, umeboshi, salmon, & crab with cream cheese. It's... fair for the salmon and crab, def needs a dip in soy & a bit of wasabi. The umeboshi was unedible... those two flavors just do NOT mix. All said and done though, I'd not hesitate to do it again with the salmon and crab, I think eel (unagi)…
    in Sushi Comment by shadus March 2017
  • Just clocking in with my anecdotal evidence here-- 3 weeks ago, 9.5 a1c, 204 fasting, 248 2h. pp. Today, fasting 89, 2h. pp 91. Eat less than 26g net carbs a day (subtract out sugar alcohol & dietary fiber.)
  • 89 fasting, 91 2h. pp.
  • Steak/Chicken, Broccoli, & Mushrooms are a favorite of mine, pretty easy to pull out 800-900 calories easily in a single meal without excessive carbs. You could try upping your fats a bit, cook with butter, wrap in bacon, use cream cheese, etc.
  • Regularly being at 18g of net carbs will very likely put most people into and keep them in ketosis.
  • I make sushi at home on occasion and after trying the "fried rice" (cauliflower) they're now selling I'm pretty sure I could use riced cauliflower, creamed cheese, and butter to make a pretty effective keto friendly "sushi rice". Just gotta find some time to experiment and see what works and what doesn't. Edit: Read the…
    in Sushi Comment by shadus March 2017
  • For some reason a lot of people think you're going to accidentally get 'bulky'... no, just no. That is a process that requires significant time and dedication in both gaining muscle mass and decreasing body fat percentage. Even eating at a surplus and gaining muscle isn't going to make this gal bulky unless she did it for…
  • That is what is typically called "skinny fat", you need to build muscle. The muscles under your layer of fat lack any definition or shape. Body building with progressive overload (strength training) is likely *exactly* what you need... and to do that you're going to need to ensure you're getting enough protein and calories…
  • If they're the red kind you can make them considerably lighter and more skin tone by using "Mederma", used to be really expensive, but it's pretty reasonable now. Otherwise... once they're light, keeping skin well hydrated is about all you can do. As far as me... f-it. They're scars due to my war with weight, some issues…
  • "starvation mode" as described by 90% of mfp.
  • You seem like you have a good attitude about it overall and you're right-- moving on and not dwelling on it is the right answer. Don't feel to bad about them though, they're just concerned that when you're a few pounds lighter that their boyfriends will be chasing you instead of them... they certainly are far to vapid and…
  • Last thoughts. She's listed as wanting to lose 225lbs. Lost 44 lbs so far. She's 30 years old. Assuming a "average height" of 5'4" (for females in US, that's the average.) Assuming her goal weight is mid point of her normal bmi range... that leaves us with: BMI "Normal" Range: 108.5 - 145.0 Difference Min/Max: +36.5 Half…
  • First, before giving advice you should probably at least SOMETHING about what you're saying so that you're not actively hurting someone or sabotaging their weight loss with bad information. If you actually know so little about weight loss that you believe that statement, please explain concentration camp victims and the…
  • Why spouting crap off you have no understanding of is so much more fun! Lemme try! <sarcasm>B-B-BUT STARVATION MODE!!!! Haven't you seen how fat concentration camp victims got, or the guys in the Minnesota starvation experiment? Holy crap don't you know anything. For reference:…
  • Are you weighing food and only counting exercise that you eat back as 50-70% of max? Edit: If short term, are you starting, just started your period? That'll screw up your losses for a week often as not.
  • The right way for the original poster to say it would be: If you don't change your diet you need to modify your exercise to exceed your surplus if you wish to lose weight. When you consider how many calories it takes to lose a lb and how much exercise that equates out to... you're far better off reducing your intake a bit…
  • Even if you are a 4'0" woman who is 90lbs you have a ~~~BMR~~~ over 800 even *WITH* the highest levels of AT ever recorded. If you were conscious and breathing at 800 calories a day, if accurately counted, you would lose weight. Period. This is the most common myth on MFP and has been disproved by science over, and over,…
  • Naked, absolutely. Dressed, it depends on how your clothing fits.
  • You seem to assume we're not aware. I am well aware of the source of the meat and you're right, some high volume factory farming is highly destructive to the surrounding area... and so is farming of vegetables, pesticides and herbicides do as much or more damage... think on this for a moment, a cow, it's going to eat…
  • Humans *are* omnivores, this is nothing to do with choice, this is form and function. We're built to eat meat, veggies, and scavenge what else we can. We lack acid levels of true carnivores, but we're far more acidic than herbivores, we lack the extra digestive organs and extra intestinal length of herbivores, without the…
  • I did vegan for about 6months and vegetarian for about 8. Yeah... I'm not living without bacon again. Ever.
  • Far better than that is smear some peanut butter on a dark chocolate bar, freeze it for about 20m... THAT is delicious.
  • You know, I felt the same way and then I found the Great Value Ice Cream Sandwiches (not light or anything like that), which are 160 calories and pretty tasty and satisfying... it's 10 more calories than the skinny cow and it's the exact sandwich more or a less that I got from the ice cream man when I was a kid.
  • My last free day we went to a restaurant called potbellies, I was so pissed to find out they were a sub shop not a purveyor of tasty pork products.
  • I'm closing on it, about 70 lbs gone, about 130 to go.
  • Better, although the local support of weight watchers makes a big difference for some people.
  • Lets use the correct terms, starvation mode doesn't exist... except as a myth. Adaptive thermogenesis/starvation response DOES exist, but it doesn't work like this, especially not in the short term. The real dangers of AT are long term, not short term. Mental changes and on-going metabolic changes. Eating more to lose more…
  • A good way to put it in perspective is: Five Guys Burger (Bacon Cheeseburger) 317g, 920 calories. Five Guys Burgers (Regular Fries) 411g, 952 calories. 728g of food is 25.68oz or 1.6lbs of food with 1872 calories. Gives a calorie density of 72.9 calories per oz. (103 Fat, 171 Carbs, 66 Protein) Large Head of Iceberg…
  • You... you've not looked at my food journal. That only works if the person is ashamed or cares ;)