

  • Newbie here, been using MFP on and off for about a year at the advice of diabetes educators. Started seeing weight loss Dr in April who wants me to journal everything and suggested MFP. I had been doing great until some health issues came up and slacked off again. I just had laparoscopic salpingo oopherectomy done 6 days…
  • having the app on my smart phone helps me a lot. I try to log as I am sitting down to eat at the very least. A dietician I saw recently suggested logging what you are planning to eat before you sit down to eat it, it helps you stick to what you said. I have successfully logged everything I have eaten for 25 days or so in a…
  • feel free to add me, I have blogged every bite for the last 25 days, and sporadically before that. I just started a strict calorie diet to try to loose 100 pounds. I've lost 10 so far!