alainabanks Member


  • Honey you are right on.......:explode: :explode: if I want chocolate I am gonna have chocolate! But the idea is to not go over board leave it at a treat and enjoy it, better yet savor it yummmy!! Don't make it a binge and don't beat yourself up over it! The stressing is what goes to your hips not the piece of chocolate:)
  • And drink alot of water too. You should drink at least 90oz of water a day when you are working out. This will help with hunger and the more you can maintain your calorie recomendation the sooner you will reach your goal!! Good luck to you girl!
  • Try eating meals that consist of complex carbohydrates and lean protein 6 times a day, but smaller portions. You will be hungry at first because you should be at a lower calorie intake then what you are used to, but dont worry the hunger goes away eventualy!