

  • pnuthaymama- Thank you for your advice. I tried South Beach Phase 1 and 2 for the first 3 months in this year and I had phenomenal results with my lab work...my cholesterol, A1C and other numbers were great when I went back to the doctor for my 3 month screening...I even lost 21 lbs...and then my Birthday happened in April…
  • airangel59....WOWWW! Congrats to you for losing 88 lbs! What an accomplishment! Thanks for your honesty and what you have said is very true...I have to be my motivation! I need to be motivated enough to be consistent with the lifestyle change...tracking, eating, and reaching out to people who are doing the same types of…
  • I'm new too!! Let's be MFP friends and have fun on the healthy lifestyle journey!:smile: :smile: :smile: