

  • Sculpting and toning is core stuff like planks and crunches abdominal work. has plenty of workout plans and excersize guides to help you out. 5 days is good but make sure that you do not burn yourself out. Looking out for your best interest. :)
  • Hi Delaaaaa, So just a small word of advice since I started just like you going super hard in the gym on the eliptical and doing some weight training. Make sure that you incorporate sculpting and toning into your regimen as well as strength training. Sculpting and toning is sufficient for making sure that excess skin does…
  • Now that is deep. Words sometimes cannot express emotions and human behavior however you have done a fine job on expressing emotions and feelings with lifestyle changes with eating and being healthy. All I can say is bravo and thank you for the awesome words of motivation and support. Happy Friday
  • Hi and welcome back. Good luck with your goals and for advice, support or motivation add me if you like :)
  • Yes the dreaded bulking phase. Clean bulking or dirty bulking both are very hard on your body after such a dramatic lifestyle change. Retain muscle and losing weight very hard but your can do it. Just make sure you consume less calories and incorporate protein into your diet. 1/2 a gram of protein per pound of body weight…
  • Thanks. I hit certain plateaus but I was determined and what I realized was that when you put your mind to something that you really really want, you can pretty much accomplish anything. Now hitting plateaus with muscle building is really frustrating so I put on some muscle so now time to cut a little. Muscle building is…
  • wow, congrats. Just like you, I have been a long time user and am just now starting to utilize the community forum to spread the love in the knowledge pool of healthy lifestyle changes. Keep up the great work.
  • Hi, I have used CLA for a while now and I think it is an excellent supplement that you can use to lose fat and retain muscle. It is stimulant free so stacking it sometimes with a fat burner or green coffee bean extract is a must if you want to see quicker results with weight/fat loss.
  • Every other day. You can see results and not get discouraged when you only see minimal loss.