GF125 Member


  • An ice cream scoop is a great tool for measuring volume, but inaccurate for measuring weight (grams). That being said, I rarely measure food in weight. I like my American measurements of cups, tablespoons, etc. even though I know they aren't as accurate.
  • I'm a little rusty on my math, but I think this would work: First, weigh an empty ice cream carton. This should be fairly standard if you stick with one brand of ice cream. Then weigh a full ice cream carton of the same size, in your desired flavor. Math time: Full weight - Weight of the empty carton = Weight of all the…
  • Yes! You are moving, sometimes running even, with a weight. If you play drums, it's a much heavier weight than a piccolo. The faster the music and the more intense your marching drills are, the harder you have to work at it. Plus, if you are playing in the heat while wearing a wool uniform, that's work too. ESPN did a…