PhatmanVA Member


  • Can't have everything...
  • I totally get what you are can seem like a never-ending journey. I think this depends on how we look at it. When I started, I wanted to lose 167lbs. When I found MFP the first part of Feb 2011, I had 105 to go. Today, I have 80lbs. With the above thought in mind I am not losing 80lbs...I'm losing 1lb 80 times.…
  • Interestingly enough, we each want to lose 105lbs...that is a whole female gymnast, right? I get it...the journey is long and filled with ups and downs...and I know we can do this. Look at how well you are doing: a two mile walk with a supportive hubby AND you have lost 8lbs. AWESOME! This time next month it CAN BE…
  • Thanks for the inspiration! Keep on keepin' on...
  • Short Answer: Yes, if you WANT it bad enough and are willing to do the work it requires. Long Answer: December 7, 1983 I had total thyroidectomy due to cancer. I have been on synthroid ever since. In May 1992 my cancer returned. It was sent into remission again (Personal note: I don't think cancer is ever "cured," I think…
  • Words to the effect of: "Thanks so much for noticing and taking the time to mention it. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated."