

  • Hi! I can relate to a lot of people on this board. I desperately want to lose weight for myself, my family, and my health, but I am having a very hard time doing this. I love food, most days, too, much, but I have to get some things under control, and could use a little more support. I find that I retain a lot of water,…
  • I am in that same position. I find that I eat a lot of times out of boredom or stress. I have been struggling with my weight for the last 10 years, especially the last 3 years since I had my son. I actually weigh more now than I did when I was pregnant, and when I look at pictures of when I was pregnant I actually get a…
  • I am sorry to hear that. It can make something that tends to be difficult even more difficult when you don't have the support of others. I recently joined fitness pal, and find that I have learned a lot about my past eating habits, and just how many calories I was consuming when I believed at the time there was no way I…
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