Giddy, excited, "Look! Everything is cute magic ponies!" phase of it?? Please tell me you are joking! You are judging me in the same breath as asking me not to be judgmental! Every single day is an absolute struggle for me to stay on a healthy diet and fit time in to exercise when I am so exhausted all the time (I have a…
I am also the opposite. I normally have a shake for breakfast, something small for lunch and dinner, I go all out. Granted, the meals are always healthy, but dinner is definitely my largest meal of the day.
Yeah, I wish I could be a stay at home mother, too. But I am not. I also work full time, have been in and out of school full time simultaneously and am a single parent. Key point: I get it done because it is important to me. My last post on this topic because again, the people on the board can't give you what you want. You…
The worst thing you can do is use children as an excuse not to do something. Most don't want to do it because it isn't fun or it really really hurts at first. You get up super early but most of us do. Your kids go to bed at 1930 so there you have 30 minutes at night right after to do you. That's all you need if you give it…
Also, ensure you are not anemic. That is my struggling area when it comes to fitness; I have a huge lack of oxygen due to having anemia. When you are anemic, it means you are short on red blood cells and those are required to transport oxygen throughout your body.
Focus T25 and a cool down jog!
I am 5'6, 139 lbs and could afford to lose a good 15 lbs and would really like to stack on a bit of muscle. Toned is my goal! =)
Uhhh hairless?
Sangria, por favor!
10 days old
Such a drastic change! You look excellent!
I lost my glasses.
8-Such a cute little face!
A monkey. They are adorable little ba$tards. How could I say no?
Navy enlistees with sumo wrestlers and truck drivers coming in a close second and third.
Very pretty eyes!
Is that supposed to be insulting or are you trying to be funny?
SWAT team
7! Gotta see the face!!!
Ooooh I love her teeth!
3 but only because black socks tend to carry an odor. =)
Because he was too rad.
I would cry at the thought of there not being enough water on the planet to wash the beastiality off of me!
.5 for Creativerick and .5 for Nutellabrah!!! :smile: