if i eat them i count them otherwise you aren't getting a true picture of all the nutrients, calories etc that you are consuming.
you have to read all books by Sherrilyn Kennyon, Kinley McGregor & Christine Feehan (all the same very talented lady just different names) my favourite of her series are: Dark Hunters Carpathians Ghost Walkers Born series alot of supernatural/sci-fi/alternative universe but definitely the most amazing ever.
@ cbrandt, i just cheated and read your profile. there is no way in hell you are 164!!!! @nami, 135?
before i even read this i was going to guess 110 too!!!! edit: i would guess invictus but you gave the game away. no fun!!
you really look amazing!
it depends, if i'm in the middle of a run and you come stand by the side of my treadmill wanting to chat, then hell no (has happened to me), if i'mintensely working out, sweaty and gross I don't really want to be talking i feel slightly disadvantaged. But I've never had a problem with polite conversation, my gym is really…
event coordinator, cashier & banker, technical organiser and schedule planner for a cinema, as well as being just a plain old boring supervisor there too and a law student. No wonder i have no life :/
holy crap! i'm only 18 haha
you look so happy! pretty smile!
umm i'm going to go with 27 (guessing from a body is pretty tough work so please don't be offended haha)
RUGBY SEASON! apart from that i do love winter, I love snow and going home and snuggling up. It's always easier to warm up than cool down. Thunder storms are always beautiful too! Everything just looks so pretty. But I also love fall too!
LittleNicci - i love all the blonde photos, you definitely suit being a blonde!
you look amazing!
omg i do this too! if i#m having food meant to be eaten with hands eg a sandwich instead of biting into it i have to break bits off. i'll bite the chocolate off a kit cat and then eat the wafer i do lots of crazy stuff, i just cant think of any more right now :(
you look amazing! and you're daughter is adorabe!
i'm thinking honoured but then some random creeper stumbling across a picture and using it kinda weirds me out a little.
mines 23 inches, i'd be happy with a 21 inches, but i miss my 20 inch just because i have a pretty small frame and it looks better with my porportions
sales assisstant at the disney store!
there is two people!
@fire 8 looks like you've been working hard!
i can only have one? what if i moved to a country where poligmy was legal?! I think i'd have to go with Bon Jovi, that man is an absolute babe and looks ah-ma-zing considering his age! (and if i got to be grredy and have the two, chris hemingsworth would definitely be him, all those muscles and that long hair oooo yes…
one moment saying 'you don't need to lose any more weight, you're getting too skinny' and then in the next breath when looking for something to eat 'it'll go straight to your hips!'
shanny 9, you have such an awesome smile!
HOLY ****! i'm only 18 :( haha
@tiffany 26 & i love your skin tone!
smile! and you only look like 19
i can get the dietician's diploma showing that they actually know what they are talking about when telling people to eat 1200 a day if you can show me yours which shows you know more than they do.... No? Don't have one? Then maybe you an accept the fact that not everyone is the same and we all have different needs. Oh and…
oh damn! this is where i've been going wrong, i've only hummed for 2.5 hours. daaaymm, better get on that! haha yours is the best reply ever!
5'4 & 145.