orianacastellanos Member


  • Hi! Normally tomorrow I'm finishing the 30DS. I say normally because I did it for 25 days in a row and it has been 4 days I haven't move a finger... I'm so disapointed and ashamed of letting go at the end when I was almost there.... Maybe I did it wrong. I only did the 30DS (without any other activity) and, as I found 20…
  • If i can give you an advise, DON'T DO THIS DIET. I did it one year ago. I lost 12 kilos in 2 months and I was so happy! Everyone telling me I was so thin and beautiful... The problem is I had lost all my muscles. I lost all that weight without exercising so not toned at all. So it wasn't very pretty and I didn't look…
  • Thanks a lot to you all! It's really motivating to have so many answers. I'll start a strenght training (additional to the cardio) and see how it goes. Rickloving: the article you posted is very interesting. Thanks again!