darcymoncada Member


  • Congratulations on your weight loss! It seems that you are doing great. Run/walking is a great way to get in shape and can be really fun as well. You can start with short periods of running and longer periods of walking. And believe me, people will not judge you but they will support your effort! I say go for it! You can…
  • It is a challenging workout for sure. But, so many people believe because they are sweating, they are burning a lot of calories. Therefore, they overestimate. It is a great workout but It is very misleading to the public. I count my power yoga as about 200 calories max and I weigh 119 lbs.
  • Amazing! I'm so happy for you.
  • Hi, It sounds like you are very motivated! I got back into shape after my pregnancies by training for races. A half marathon is a great goal! You said you are running, but how long are you running in each session? Distance running is great for weight loss. Your goal sounds realistic!
  • I have 3 kids and am always in a super rush in the am. I have 1 packet of steel cut oats with a little maple syrup added. Then an apple about an hour later. The oats are pretty filling. You could always boil some eggs and keep them in the refrigerator. An egg is very filling.