That is one of my long term goals. I would love to qualify some day:)
I have done the Yoga and strength DVD's. The strength DVD completely kicks my butt and I can withstand alot of pain. It is very challenging but I feel so strong and fit when I consistantly do it. I really love the yoga DVD. It is a great workout DVD to do when you need a workout but also need to get back to you. Breathing,…
I would have to say their face, which is eyes, nose and mouth. Obviously nice teeth. After that, I think its how a man holds himself, level of confidence is big. I really do love nice shoulders and arms. Its what makes a man a man, after all....:)
I would highly recommend Jillian Michaels 30 day shred or Bob Harpers new workout DVDs. Bob's DVD are newer, came out in July, and are pretty challenging but great. They are the Burn from inside out workout. There are 4-Strength, Cardio, Yoga and Bobs workout. I love it when he says "Everybody says if I had Bob Harper for…
Great Job! Dont you just love it when clothes that were once tight are now loose! Keep up the great work :)