

  • How is everyone's 30 day challenge coming along? I must admit that I have struggled a little. I had stopped writing down my food diary entries, which consequently caused me to put whatever I wanted (and DID NOT need) into my mouth. But I realized it within a day or so, and got right back to the food diary. And so I start…
  • I will admit, I am results driven when it comes to my weight. So I apologize to my fellow 30 day challengers. But I HAD to weigh in because 1) I started my "program" with my trainer and 2) I need to know that it's working to keep going. AND IT IS! Yesterday and today I weighed and confirmed I have lost 5 lbs since Jan 1st!…
  • Yum....sushi! Wellness thoughts headed your way phoena76!! Kim.... I am so sorry to hear about your friend. We will be praying. We love you so! Really glad we are on this journey together! As I am with everyone else here also! I dare say, my current diet changes are giving me unbelievable amounts of energy! And I haven't…
  • I have lost...and gained...and lost...and gained...and lost some of the same 75-100 lbs over the past 20 this point I am hoping for and BELIEVING I will be under 200 lbs by 2015. That's 60 lbs! My goal weight is 180, maybe by mid 2015? Who knows! But the more accountability the better!
  • My problem always seems to come down to shame. I stop writing down food because it's too much food. I stop going to the gym because I feel bad about eating too much food and I don't want to tell my trainer. I feel uncomfortable in my clothes so I don't go out as much because then people will know I've been bad. It seems…
  • I am super impressed by all of you! I haven't started off very hardcore yet on this challenge, but I think that's because I know that starting Monday, my trainer is going to be all up in my food & workout business! I asked him to be...told him I wanted to be his poster child for 2014, and he took me seriously. No turning…