KatelynnFluffToFit Member


  • Vimeo has some pretty great workout videos (like kick boxing and zumba) that I think are pretty fun, but if cardio isn't really your thing I would check out Blogilates on youtube the videos are pretty short but your muscles get a great workout
  • My guy is the same way, and eating what he ate is probably what helped me gain some weight >.< but I definitely second what other people are saying and just limit yourself to how much or eat, or maybe have one day a week where you eat whatever you want as a treat day (I know that's helped me get through some cravings/…
  • I know that it sucks massively and I'm sorry that happened to you *sending you hugs through the internet ^-^* And yeah it sucks that some people are so close minded that they just assume everyone that isn't just like them is wrong, but ignoring it is one of the best things you can try to do. I'm not saying I like it, in…