

  • Hey Kate, I am doing this again also, I am counting my ww points and posting my food on here so I can keep track, my downfall is ice cream and right now I need to start excercising more, but with work on second shift and having three small grandchildren living with me it is hard to find the time, I know I gotta quit making…
  • Okay haven't been here in quite awhile, been going through alot of stuff, and now I am back on it again, been strength training for a few days, then decided today to keep track of it and my measurements and my food again. So hopefully this time I am back with a vengence!!
  • Congratulations on your weightloss so far and the quitting smoking!!!
  • Hello I am new to this site also, and just started the writing down what I eat and excercising today after being pretty lazy for a year...nice to meet you!! Angie
  • Hello, I just started today~~~this is a really nice place to keep track of things, I for instance found that I went over in calories today, so I look forward to doing better tomorrow! Nice to meet you! Angie:happy: