Hi, I have no discipline and refuse to exercise (traumatised by school phys. ed. :-) ) Just gradually feeling more energetic as weight comes off. So I suppose I'm doing it all wrong but I have lost about a stone in 3 months on here by keeping my food diary on here every day. I'm plateauing now so I've got a bit fed up with…
Hi, I just had a look at your before photo and the difference is incredible. Believe in the pics flower. You look great! Celebrate! Buy yourself something nice or get your nails done or something to say to yourself 'I did great!' Cos 100lb is a heck of an achievement by anybody's standards. It makes me sad to see that…
My favourite snack - sugar free jelly and low fat low sugar yoghurt that I make myself with an easiyo yoghurt maker with fruit or a sprinkling of muesli as a topping. Feels like really indulgent treat and has stopped me wanting chocolate, biccies etc. :-)
Too long between meals? Maybe a little snack? Also no idea how reliable this is but a herbalist once told me that most people who come to him with lack of energy expect some fancy concoction but usually just need iron.:bigsmile: x
Maybe add a scattering of crispy diced bacon/chopped walnuts and a bit of Philadelphia light on top of hot greens so it melts in a bit. Phwoarr! X:bigsmile:
I just have 1 sugar (15 cals):drinker: in drinks and add it as a snack in my diary. Tried sweeteners and they're vile! :drinker: :happy: x
oops - sorry for posting twice :embarassed:
Hi, not scientifically proven or anything but I think that the slower i lose weight the longer I am likely to keep it off afterwards 'cos it means I have made changes small enough to more easily be able to maintain the diet long term and when I want to stop dieting it won't mean the difference is so great I'll blimp out…
Hi, not scientifically proven or anything but I think that the slower i lose weight the longer I am likely to keep it off afterwards 'cos it means I have made changes small enough to more easily be able to maintain the diet long term and when I want to stop dieting it won't mean the difference is so great I'll blimp out…
I find radio 4 or 4 extra (talk radio) playing quietly in the background stops my mind racing and helps with any anxiety or stress and if hubbys away I go to sleep hugging a big pillow or teddy bear or some such. Feel a bit daft but it helps some.