

  • 39 and mother of 4. Am determined to lose weight before my 40th birthday eeek I just started on Friday and happy to help motivate and be motivated
  • Thanks for all the advice it certainly interesting to get different peoples views. I dont feel so guilty at not tracking water now!
  • I'm 5"2 and am looking to shift 20 pounds as well. My weight is around my belly and most of my clothes give me that pregnant lady look! As I have just started I too would love some friends in the same boat?
  • Good luck with your journey, perhaps you should start a blog or group as there may be othr people in your situation. You never who may be there to help or indeed for you to help
    in Hello Comment by ani40 June 2013
  • Thank you for our warm welcome I am certainly going to try my best!
    in Hello Comment by ani40 June 2013
  • I have a unused box in the cupboard! Maybe its time to get it out. Thanks for the tip I will give it a go
  • I'm 5"2 and just started today. Hoping to meet ppl that can help, motivate and inspire along them way. I can't excercise so losing is always hard going. How is everyone ekse doing?