

  • I'm currently on week 7 and NEVER in a million years would I have thought of getting this far!!! I needed a cheap gym alternative and this was it. Seriously I was proud when I managed 3mins (one song ) but completing the 20mins in week five had me in tears, happy tears :') best day !!! Just stick with it go slow and you'll…
  • down 1 and half !! great considering I went out this weekend !! :)
  • Yes I am !!! Ive lost half a stone with them before when I only went for three week :) I started back last week and have 2st and a half to lose before june :) I'll let u know how my weigh in goes today !! I use MFP to keep track of the calories but I barely go over because the focus on fruit and veg and limited fried/junk…
  • *2/2- 12st 2.2lbs (170.2 lbs ) 2/8 2/15 2/22 2/28 End of month aim - 165.2lbs
  • Hi !! Looking to get rid of the last 30-35 pounds by June :) support group like this is what I need to keep me on track!! feel free to add :) SW: 176(nov13) CW: 169(last week) GW: 136 Weigh in Dates: 2/1 - I will weigh in tomorrow just had a huge breakfast with alot of water :) *2/2- 2/8 2/15 2/22 2/28
  • Hey from Dublin !!! :) I'm 21 and lost over 33pounds maintained and now looking to lose the last 30-35 lbs by early June !!! Feel free to add me :)
  • Hi !! I'm looking to lose 30-35 pounds for the summer and reach the half way mark by march before my birthday :) I already lost roughly 33 lbs and currently weigh 169 . I'm 5'9 .I lost 16lbs two summers ago doing a low carb high protein diet for the duration of one and a half months and another 16 lbs previous to that…
  • Vardaelm,arrseegee,/mcglothinm: thank you all so much for the advice I continued at week six day 2 to see how long I could last and managed 1 mile and a bit around 12/13 minutes which is pretty good :) think I'll continue week 6 day 2 till I managed 20mins !!