

  • AMAZING!!!! You look beautiful!:drinker:
  • I like them. I have to make sure they're not the only snack I'm getting though. If I eat them for every snack... my weight lose gets slower. I try for 1 a day then have some fruit or nuts or raw veggies for my other snacks. I guess its true when they say "EVERYTHING in moderation". Even 100cal snack paks. lol!:tongue:
  • Thanks for all the great advice and pick me ups! I wish it was TOM. Unless its totally off its not that time. Its probably time I refresh my "diet" and bump up the exercise a notch. Generally I will just plateau... but the gain has sort of thrown me for a loop. I honestly don't drink as much water as I should. I guess…
  • Hahahahaha! I wish it was warm outside and I would just lay out and drink an margarita and not eat. lol! Oh well. In the words of one of mom's good friends..... "Life's a *****! Then you die!" lol!
  • It looks as it we are getting caught back up with each other. I ate some ruffles and french onion dip and a little debbie donut stick. So atleast you have actually eaten it....... YET (lol)! It's awful! Guess I will just have to do double time tomorrow. There should be some kind of cure for the "Chocolate Monster"! Mom…
  • Thats awesome! If you did it before, you can surely do it again!! Good luck!:drinker:
  • You need to eat more calories, or atleast eat your exercise calories. You would be suprised. You need to kick start your metabolism again.
  • My friend and I both bought Zumba Fitness for the Wii (her's is for Kinect). We enjoy doin' that. If you have a game system. It simply kicks your butt. However its fun cause, we are learning some killer dance moves at the same time. You will sweat but that just comes with the exercise. Should you try this out I will give…
  • Well this is a great place to get support. I tipped the scales and started in January as well. I have lost 22lbs so far. I like this site because you have someone other than yourself to answer to. I don't like to admit failure. lol! Good luck!!
  • Great job! MFP will help you keep on track to get to your goal. Good luck!!
  • I have always had the "snack attacks"! I have found that if I just buy like baby carrots and put them in a ziplock baggie, when I get the urge just eat some of those. Also for sweets The 100 cal snack packs or a glass of chocolate milk fixes me right up. Chewing gum and a glass of water helps too. Water gets the hunger…
  • MFP told me I should be eating 1100 calories a day. I bumped mine up last week to 1400. That actually has helped. It is different everywhere you look. You know your body the best. You have to do what is good for you. However, if it were me, I would add a little for a week and if that doesn't work, add a little more the…
  • My doctor told me that if I don't get to or keep my target heart rate up for atleast an hour (Cardio).... then its not really doing me any good. So maybe you just need to put in atleast an hour of exercise. I have gotten to a point that 5x a week isn't doing so well so I am gonna go 6 days to the gym and add in some Zumba…
  • Thats such a confidence booster. Awesome!:wink:
  • You can do it. This site will help you stay on track for sure if you check in everyday. I'm trying for 30lbs lost by the end of May. So we can definately hold each other to it.:tongue:
  • You can do this. Its a mind set and hard work. The main thing is to get your exercise in just being conscience of what you are eating helps. You don't realize the calories you take in until you start counting those calories. Or atleast I didn't. This site has helped me stay on top of things. I started my life style change…
  • Thank you Joanie! I'm glad we are doing it too. It opened my eyes to what all I was putting in my mouth! I actually had no idea about alot of things. I was checking some stuff out the other day & learned a few things, some I already knew but didn't apply, you may want to know..... All the chemicals in stuff like margarine…