

  • These Spaghetti Squash Stuffed Shells are to die for. I also added some mushroom to my filling for some added flavor. I'm not usually a big fan of spaghetti squash, but this dish is a winner. If you didn't tell your guests, they'd never really know what was in it. I made them for a family dinner and everyone loved them.…
  • Keiras_Mom, If your insurance doesn't cover it talk to your HR department about it. I had the same issue when I got mine, but I plead my case for all women who (in my case) have issues taking hormones and my company actually modified our insurance plan to cover it. It never hurts to ask. Good Luck!
    in Mirena Comment by QueenTrix June 2013
  • If you are considering an IUD, perhaps consider the ParaGard. It's copper and has no hormones. I've had mine for over 5 years. The only side effects I noticed was a slight thinning of my hair which grew back after a few months. The increase in copper in your body can have cause hair loss, but other than that I've had no…
    in Mirena Comment by QueenTrix June 2013
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