

  • Same for me as well!! they are packed with protein, fiber, and whole grains. I measure 3/4 cup my first time I ever tried it and my first thought was - WHAT?! I'm still gonna be hungry!!! and no I was not - after that little 3/4 cup - I was full and very satisfied! and I kept that full feeling as if I had just eaten 3…
  • I read this article about how this guy ate nothing but Twinkies and lost a TON of weight. I won't go into detail about it - but the general gist of the article was that QUANTITY is the real kicker...you can eat fruit and veggies all day long til you feel like you're about to POP - and you won't lost much weight. however,…
  • And you can do it too!!! Just take it one day at a time - set a big goal...then small ones - work towards each small goal and the next thing you know you've reached your big goal!!!!