

  • I attempted insanity back in June and completed a week and half before I just couldn't get the motivation to keep going. Now I really want to get toned, and look fit. So I decided to start again. I finished day 2, and I can can't believe I didn't remember how absolutely exhausting it is. Reading everyone else's stories…
  • That's us exactly how I feel after a workout! Good to know I'm not the only one who feels like I'm dying! Thanks for the tips, I'm on to Pure Cardio and I'm kind if dreading it but I will get through it!
  • I just started on Wednesday and so far I am really sore and proud of myself!
  • I actually have started to notice a slight difference, or maybe I'm imagining it. Doesn't matter! I still look a lot better, and even with the soreness I feel accomplished! I did take a picture before the workout and I was going to compare to week one, and I hope to see a difference.
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