morrigananne Member


  • There was a HP group over on LiveJounral, where you had to submit an application with your opinion on things, and the members of the group would sort you into a "house" based on your answers. Before then, I always thought I was Ravenclaw, (or even a Hufflepuff), but the group sorted me into Gryffindor. When Pottermore came…
  • Reading this makes me glad that I've realised that my trigger foods aren't snack foods. There are chips, cookies and ice cream in my house right now, (they're my mom's), and I haven't even thought to touch them, let alone been tempted to. My trigger foods are pasta (spaghetti) and Italian Hoagie sandwiches. Things I would…
  • I'm 5'9, and am shooting for 165. After that, I'll take a look at myself and then see if I want to go any lower than that. Thanks to a lot of reading I've done around here, I did my measurements to calculated my Lean Body Mass; and according to the Lean Body Mass calculator, my ideal weight would be around 163. I think…