

  • I have found if there is something I want to splurge on I exercise & work off the calories BEFORE I put them on. Then I dont feel guilty eating or drinking them, plus I am less likely to indulge myself in more than whay is necessary!
  • I dont think the numbness goes away! As far as the pouch hanging over the scar, I dont think that goes away either. My my had 3 kids, 3 C-Sections, was 5'3 & 130lbs years later, still had the pouch. I guess it all depends on how comfortable you are with your body for how you deal with it. My mom had a tummy tuck &…
  • It is really discouraging when you feel like youve lost all this weight and no one has noticed, but you lose weight all over your body. So 10 lbs, spread through your whole body isnt really a lot in one designated area. Before pics help a ton!! So do the way your clothes fit. I was at 180, got down to 165 & then got back…
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