Jaewest Member


  • I am ready for the challenge and I will be doing both videos :) Don't let my weight or age fool you. (Although I maybe a little sore for the first few days lol) We are starting Monday right?
  • Hi My name is Jocelyn I am 5'11 and on March 4th I was 276lbs. That was the day I gave myself 20 days to live not only clean but a semi raw food lifestyle. It was only 20 days I figured I could make it through right? So like Jillian says if it doesn't grow from the ground or have a mother I didn't eat it. Today is now the…
  • Have you tried sweet potatoes instead of regular potatoes? I mean you really shouldn't be eating potatoes at all if you are trying to lose weight but sweet potatoes are better... They have more fiber in them and make you feel fuller longer.. You can put turkey on them some salsa and some unsweetened greek yoghurt for a…
  • Not all nuts are created equal. The experts say Walnut and Almond butter are better choices then peanut.
  • It is a misconception that Fat makes you Fat. Your body needs fat to function properly. It is all a balancing act. Just like there is good carbs (whole grains and veggies) and bad carbs (enriched white flour and sugar) there are also good fat (olive oil, nuts) and bad fats (buttered popcorn, and ice cream). Fats are…
  • I have been doing some research on this and this is what I have found; Carbs increase a hormone in your body that makes you hungry. You should eat less then 50 percent in your daily diet. But those carbs should be (like the others before me have stated) whole grain and vegetables. (High Fiber stuff) Also, eating nuts such…