

  • I am 5.3 150 lbs and I average anywhere from 400 to 500 cal per class. I am using my Polar HRM. I think it is accurate..sometimes when I stop during tracks or take longer breaks the number of calories is usually on the lower end. However if I do work my *kitten* off until my legs are shaking, I burn 500 cal.
  • Try paleo diet for 1 is very restrictive but after about a week you realize that it's not that hard. Or if you can't do 100% paleo, eliminate carbs all together.
  • I just bought Polar HRM and took it BodyPump class (GoodLife), I burned 387 cal. Since I just started I had 5kg most of the time and stopped couple of time...Lounges are killing me. I am 5'3 and 159 lbs. I was not happy with that number and jumped on Eliptical to burn some additional cal. I highly recommend HRM...I think…