

  • fats are not the enemy, saturated fats and trans fats are bad. healthy fats that you can eat came from: nuts, most fishes, omega 3 suplements, olive oil. tracking your calorie intake its a great idea, you get used to it, follow most of the advices in here, if you have any doubt, you can always look in internet, if you dont…
  • at you can find some routines to do if you want some variety
  • try this My current routine is: 1) Push up > push ups feet over a box Squat - w/ weights > jump squats Standing Bicep Curl One-Arm Barbell Row > inverted barbell row with your own weight Triceps Extension Dips V-Tuck for Abs. > jacknife with yoga ball 30 Minutes Yoga, All Around. 2) Push-Up > push ups feet over a box Squat…
  • this is not an advice at all, eat whatever you want like, french fries, pies, cakes, donuts, its not going to help, you need to eat healthy to have a healthy lifestyle.
  • Do not follow the bmr calculator out there, there are calories for someone who barelly breath, like coma, follow what MyFitnessPal says about your calorie intake, split the proteins, carbs and fats in 40/40/20 percent of your totally calorie intake, do excersice, DO NOT LOWER your calorie intake more than 500 of your daily…
  • hi, for weigh loss you can eat with the following macros 40% protein of your totally calorie intake, 40% carbs of your totally calorie intake, and 20% fats same, you can modify this from MyFitnessPal, and it let you know exactly how many grams of each eat along the day, try to split the meals at least in 6, try to avoid…