

  • Families, Gotta Love Em!!! Somehow those we love can say the most hurtful things - I guess if we didn't love em, it wouldn't hurt so bad. I agree with some of the others postings - maybe a little jealousy is going on. You look awesome and congrats on your success. It gives us hope that we too can succeed.
  • Congratulations on your success. I love the before and after pics also, it is a big encouragement for those of us still struggling. Thanks for sharing!
  • Great Answer! Even though we wouldn't do it and it is irritating, live and let live. You are doing a great job and it is good to read real life success stories, because I am overweight and need to lose almost 100 pounds, like you I am trying to do it the healthiest way for me. I love reading about the success other people…
  • Hi, I am not so new either but I am starting over AGAIN, hoping this will be the time for me. I have over 100 pounds to lose and every time I start I feel really motivated but unfortunately It doesn't last long. Just trying to be truthful and admit my failures. Maybe with sharing and support and motivation from others I…