eclair82 Member


  • Awesome...thanks! I haven't heard of some of those stores and will definitely give them a look. :smile: I found a tall-sized dress at Banana Republic on sale (it had been returned to the store from an online purchase) and am happy with the way it fits--the waist sits lower.
  • Maybe plan easy exercise goals? I've struggled with motivation issues too, and what got me back into working out was using a pedometer. It's easy to track progress, and it's low intensity. Hope you're feeling better :smile:
  • 5'10" and 150 lbs. I generally wear anywhere from an 8 to a 12...I find that jean sizes can be all over the place. I bought a pair of Levi's that I'm happy with that are a 10 tall.
  • Finished Day 2 of disc 1, and feeling sore in a good way--mostly in my biceps and glutes. I'm using 5-lb weights, and the arm-raise move that works the upper shoulders is killer! Does anyone take days off during this 30-day routine?
    in Level 1 Comment by eclair82 June 2013