RunAshley821 Member


  • i'm 5'3"... highest weight was 144.4 a few years ago... I'm 124 today. I've been struggling to get to my goal weight of 118 for a while now. Looking for some new motivation friends on here for the last push! Hopefully we can help each other :)
  • many moons ago I worked in retail - and we had so many types of candy @ the store - always getting in the latest and greatest. I found it a big struggle to keep myself from buying candy every time I worked - so I know where you're coming from! I'm not sure if this incentive would work for you - but perhaps each night you…
  • I've been on site for almost 3 years- just noticed my friend list is getting very sparse & I'm looking for some daily loggers to receive & give support! Open to anyone else looking for some new MFP friends as well :smiley:
  • oh my gosh, I LOVE SPREADSHEETS!!! (...and sadly I'm not kidding :) ) count me in! It's gonna be a low month - 2 weeks in Germany for vacation - but Chicago Marathon training will pick up in June! :)
  • Age: 26 Height: 5'3" HW: 144 CW: 140 GW: 118 Training for my fourth marathon this year, it would be nice to get the pounds off to help with the training. Plus I think the extra pounds add a strain on my body running those kinds of distances. I'm really good at getting the gym 5 times a week, not so good w/ night time…