downsizelrn Member


  • SW: 225 CW (9/1): 211.6 GW (9/30): 200 UGW: 165 (I'm 6'0") Weigh in Dates: Start of Month (9/01 Monday): 211.6 9/06 Sat: 207.6 9/14 Sun: 204 9/20 Sat: 9/27 Sat: End of Month (9/30 Tue): Total weight lost: 21 Weight Loss Since 9/1: 7.6
  • I'm new to this forum... but have been on and off MFP a few times in the past. I'm really looking to make a commitment to myself this time and make the weight loss stick. My first goal weight for myself will be a normal BMI for my height 184 (I'm 6'0") with my ultimate goal wait to be 165 (or so). And PS around 9/1 I just…
  • I'm 25 and just recently joined here! Looking for people to help me stay motivated! Since while I'm great at losing weight I'm not great at keeping myself focused enough to keep losing weight to get to the goal! I'm active and an ex-athlete, but I've never been the small kid, I've always been on a losing battle of the…