Vinodiet Member


  • I'm not sure what the 3 day military diet is and I spent 10 years in the USMC. All I remember about the chow hall meals is they were always high quality vegetables, meats and the best salad bars the world has ever known. No pudding, cake or pie that I can recall. Lot's of physical training too. So really, like most of the…
  • wine and light beer are a regular part of my diet. wait, before you laugh yourself senseless I've lost 18 lbs in just a couple of months. I stick to about 1,600 cal's a day. Here's an example of what I may eat during a regular day: 2 egg omelet with wilted spinach and a slice of American swiss for breakfast. 90 cal…
  • basil, moz and tomatoes were made for each other. The bread part is scary but I just bought a loaf of 45 cal per slice Sara Lee. Now I know what to use it for!
  • Thanks all, I found it!