courtneyinaz Member


  • Junior at University of Alabama Huntsville!
  • I'm in the same boat as you!! I'm 23, and an extremely busy college student. Along with balancing a full course load, I work two jobs and am an RA on campus, so finding time and motivation is really hard. I've definitely gained the freshmen 20 due to crappy campus food, stress, alcohol, and over eating. I'm ready to put…
  • Hey! I'm 23 yrs old, and a very busy college student! It's hard to find the time or motivation to hit the gym. When I came to college, I gained the freshman 15 (or maybe 20 haha). Late night food, alcohol, stress, lack of working out, and the crappy college food have had a toll on me!!! I would love to lose 10-15 lbs and…