

  • cc and ga (Canadian Club Whiskey and Ginger ale)
  • punch the same 20 minutes into mfp both exersises and you will see an elliptical burns a lot more calories in the same amount of time, even a real bike versus a stationary there is a difference because it takes more muscles to balance.
  • we're here... we just don't make a spectacle of ourselves, and that's very Canadian, eh? lol just another alberta redneck here, trying to get healthy.
  • coleslaw (1% sour cream instead of mayo) apples cauliflower raw and cooked shrooms cukes carrots by the 5lb bag dip for veggies with mrs dash, 1% sour cream and rice wine vinegar all low in calories veggie (salad) plate with a can of tuna on top works 4 me
  • I too am battling hypertension which is why I am using fitness pal. It helps with monitoring sodium (salt intake) which is a biggie in the hbp reduction scheme. I have meds, which helped instantly, started fish oil on advice of my dietician but didn't see any noticeable result, added a mile walk daily, which helped in…
  • I walk for a mile everyday with an mp3 player, rode bicycle when weather permitted, ride motorcycle in summer and snowmobile in winter. I got as free elliptical for winter since I hate walking in fresh snow... suggestions: walk somebody's dog and/or your own get an exercise machine and do that while watching the tube (…
  • I use a counter top dehydrator for apples sprinkled with cinnamon, bananas and fresh pineapple, keeps alot longer than fresh so a bulk deal on fruit purchases doesn't mean throwing alot away if the household has a low fruit consumption rate. ie single person.
  • I know this is probably the wrong thing to say, the old days before MFP, a McDonalds breakfast worked better than a laxative for me.....I'm sure it's something to do with the fat content, not the fibre in that
  • since I'm battling hypertension, I too share your here's some pointers I've come up with. use a bread maker to make your own low-sodium bread, half the quantities of salt asked for in recipes use 1% sour cream with mrs. dash, hot sauce, fennel seed or lemon juice added for veggie dip Mexican food- look for low…
  • I ride a Versys now and had a 650L that I miled :sad: out after a dozen
  • My suggestion for eliminating white bread, and I'll admit it, I'm cheap and when I saw how much more low sodium bread and little choices that were available, I "borrowed" a friends breadmaker, and make my own low sodium whole wheat regularily. BTW there's nothing like fresh baked bread and if you buy bulk flour and yeast,…
  • hey kiddo, I 'm not a health guru or anything, this is just my two bits on the matter.... I found with MFP information regarding calories in foods, sometimes there are errors, intentional or not, even the serving sizes are ridiculously small, etc. one time on a chicken pkg it said a breast was 100g, similar calories but…
  • I found the calorie wise creamsicles on sale and they are just like the real thing only smaller. Just don't eat the whole box at
  • Do the little things and they add up, take stairs instead of elevators, park at the far end of the parking lot instead of as close to the doors as possible, veggie snacks, leave a little early for appointments and park a block away....look at any and everything you can do to increase activity, that exercises…
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