wigal23 Member


  • Good job Jen and Jan! Just waiting on one more points update for this week.
  • It's Monday Purple team! How did everyone fare over the weekend? Mine was busy and involved cookies, yikes! Did get lots of walking in, as well as some veggies. Hope we have a great week!
  • Long day is putting it lightly! I have been getting more walking in, thanks to warmer weather at the beginning of the week. Now it is cooler and so windy! Still might get out this evening.
  • Great job on the loss! :smiley:
  • Sounds like we are off to a good start for the week! My points were 149, not bad. I intend to try to take better advantage of the exercise points this week.
  • Dreaming of doughnuts, that's hysterical! I got a 40 minute walk in at the park today, go me! Not doing great on the eating front, but planning some veggies with dinner.
  • Nice job Jen! That's a lot of calories! I can't fathom burning 500+ calories in one day, exercise is definitely my weak point! :smile:
  • Yay for you, sticking with water! Also I LOVE blueberries...BUT I was weak and had a cupcake today.
  • That'll make for a super long day! Maybe fresh fruit for snacks? I struggle with exercise as well. I hope the Wii Fit helps!
  • You out there Concetta? How are you? How was your week 5?
  • Lay off the booze, Jen! HA! :wink:
  • Hello ladies! Happy Belated Mother's Day, Jan! mmmmmmm. Cake! lol I did great on the no sweets. Of course I barely ate much of anything at all. I am down 5.5 pounds, but I know that won't all stay off now that I'm back to eating more regularly. My points for the week are only 133. Have a great week everyone!
  • Sounds like a great week. I'm still recovering from being sick for the last week, so I haven't eaten too much. Very little fruits or veggies, but no sweets and no alcohol, and SO much water. Hoping to be back on track within a couple more days.
  • I sadly had a lousy 115 points. I've been sick since Friday and have barely eaten at all. Still under the weather today.
  • For me the majority of my "exercise" these days is just walking. So it's not hard to do, just hard to find the time. Especially during the winter when it's already dark by the time I get home. Then having 2 kids, one in sports....you know, the same old "excuses" LOL. I am NOT a morning person so it's nearly impossible to…
  • Accidentally? Hahaha! That's too funny. Veggies are pretty easy for me. I can have a salad, throw some veggies in an omelet, top a sandwich. As per usual, exercise is my challenge! Yuck!
  • Happy hump day purple team! Just ordered 2 new pairs of active capri from Lane Bryant, buy one get one 75% off. Score! How is everyone doing with the veggies?
  • My points for this week aren't great either, only 127. I didn't weigh in, but I'm confident that I didn't lose! Hoping I at least maintained and can show a small loss this week.
  • Hello team! It was a tough week for me too. Spent a few days out of town which always makes it difficult. I'll have to wait until I get to work today to tally my points.
  • Happy Friday everyone. Jan I'm glad you had a "normal" day and are feeling good :smile:
  • Who doesn't love chocolate, nuts, and cheese? :-) I have trouble resisting desserts too. If it's just me, I'm good. But in a group setting it's hard! I also have certain foods that just taste better with Pepsi or Coke.
  • Hi Jan - Yes we all definitely need a break now and again. Glad you are having a relaxing week!
  • Great job Yellow! Those are some impressive totals.
  • Bring on the fruit! :smiley:
  • Sounds like a great plan.
  • Happy Monday team. Looks like we are doing great on our points! Mine for week 2 were 174, and although I didn't lose any, I also didn't gain. I'm also doing great on fruits and veggies, just the exercise component that I need to work on. I hope you all have a great week and stay warm!
  • Great job Jan! No loss for me and I left my points tally at work, so I'll have to total them up in the morning. I loathe shopping, but we have a satisfied boy so I guess it was successful! Hubs and I did Italian take out for Valentine's Day to avoid the wait. I am stuffed! Hope to be back on track tomorrow. It's snowing…
  • Happy Saturday team! Amy exciting plans? I silent Saturday at the mall shoe shopping for my 12 year old son. Lord help me! :smile:
  • She said: That's a good question. If they notified you ahead of time, you just would not include their score in your average and divide your total by one less participant. If they didn't notify you that they weren't participating for the week, you would give them a zero but still count them in the number of participants. I…
  • Evening meetings, yuck!! Meetings are bad enough during a normal work day. Glad you get a break next week! Next week I am travelling to stay with fellow Purple Team member BJ for the weekend. Haven't been to Tucson in almost 5 years so I'm very excited to go spend a few days with my bestie. Hopefully we can keep each other…